Believing in the impossible is... almost impossible. I've been thinking lately about the impossible things that you look for in life... like when your sick, or depressed or broke or all the things that can hound us in life. Sometimes I wonder why there is that thing in me that says its going to be alright... even when it looks impossible... but, then I remember.
I remember many years ago when a friend of mine, Mrs Whitaker, had a tumor and it looked like it was cancer... we prayed for her at the church one night and it went away... yep it just disappeared. When they told us the good news it was hard to believe because thats impossible. A few years ago another friend of mine Coleene had the same thing happen... one day a day nothing... hard to believe but it happened.
I remember when my brother Jack moved to Canada to see if the impossible would happen for him. After years of struggling with one thing or another (and man I understand that) he found himself in need of more than just a new outlook on life... he needed a complete overhaul. It looked impossible, everyone doubted that anything would change ... Then one morning he walked out of his bedroom with that grin of his and said... "You know, I've been a yeah-but Christian all my life but, this morning I realized that all those stories in the Bible could happen to me. I thought, "This is impossible" ... but, it was'nt... he was changed and never looked back... I remember hearing "If Jack will come to Canada I will heal him" ... Sounded like God at the time and I guess it was... sounded impossible to me but, it wasn't my first time at being wrong.
Here's a couple mind boggling things... a mission trip to Grenada changed my life forever because I encountered Holy Spirit in a whole new way. How about gold teeth, gold flakes, the Toronto Blessing, people falling over all over the place, YWAM classes, Joy Bible Camp... revivals, renewals, dreams, visions, etc. etc. etc... Impossible? Yes! Does it happen? Yes. It's hard to believe the impossible... even after you have seen it with your own eyes... felt it in your own soul.
I can remember all kinds of impossible things that have happened throughout my life... hundreds maybe thousands... so, why is it so hard to keep believing for the impossible to happen again... whats missing in my little heart or mind... what whispers... "its not going to happen this time it is completely impossible"... But, it's not! Because I remember a lot of impossible things that happened.
How about a virgin birth? Now that is impossible! Or an angle telling a very confused young man that its okay ... go ahead and marry the girl. How about a star leading three wise men to a stable in a little town in the middle of no where... It seems that really great stories have some "impossible" things in them. No one expects it to happen, some don't even want it to happen... and, when it does happen you think... "did that just happen" ... "no, that could not have just happened"... "Am I imagining this?" ... Some will discourage even the attempt at the impossible... "Just accept the facts "... "You need to move on" or "don't get you're hopes up" and I'm sure they mean well... after all its painful to wait for the impossible... its hard to hope for more than the inevitable... to believe things can get better, that hearts can change, bills get paid, sickness's getting well, ... it feels impossible... But, I remember.
I heard once that nothing is impossible and I'm pretty sure the person who said it has the ability to perform the impossible anytime He wants ... Imagine... what if the impossible happens again?
I want the impossible.
me too. I want the impossible, and I've been asking for it with childlike hope that He will say yes. 'Cause sometimes He does big favors like that.