Every year during the week between Christmas and New Years celebrations I try to figure out what I want to be about or live for in the new year. It was really easy this time. In 2012 I want to live for "Us".
I have always been an "others" focused person. It is one of my life values. Its why I wanted to be an evangelist and an entertainer. It's hard to be either of those without an "us" somewhere... the "us" is the crowd and as an entertainer or a preacher you are just in front of it... part of the "us" . It's hard to have memories without an "us". When there is no "us" it sounds like this ... I remember when I was with myself and I told a joke and... or I remember me sitting there alone and... and then I said to myself ... and I laughed and laughed... those are boring memories... and even a little scary. But, when you throw in a few other characters the memories become something to remember. 2012 is all about "us".
I like people and I care about people other than myself... It actually brings me a certain level of fulfillment to know I have helped someone... or can help someone.
Over the past few years I have been unable to help anyone. "I" needed help and it's really hard to give when your hand is empty. I have spent a lot of time on myself... thought about myself... prayed for myself... taken care of myself... I have been very focused on myself... and it needed to be done... but, I really started missing "US". The more I thought about it the more important "us" became. Now that I'm feeling better I am ready for some more of "us".
"Us" is better than me... "Us" is stronger than I... When one of "Us" is weak, or stumbles the other "Us" can help... I really like "Us"... "Us makes me feel safe. "Us" is more important than me... "Us" is more valuable than I ... "Us" includes I ... "Us" embraces me... "Us" weaves me into a story or an event ... "Us" makes me feel loved and accepted and wanted and needed... I love "Us".
"Us" has had a lot of fun. "Us" has some fantastic memories. "Us" did some silly things. "Us" did some great things. "Us" did some unbelievable things. "Us Partied hard, Played hard and Prayed hard. The best part about "us" is that it only takes one other person and "you" instantly becomes an "US"!
Some of my favorite "Us's" today are... Madison, Dylan and Dad... Mitch and Jesse... Martin and Jesse... Scott and Jesse... Mom and Jesse... Adam and UNC... Some of my favorite "Us's" in history are... Karen and Jesse (my all time favorite "Us")... Karen, Madison, Dylan and me (The Ultimate "Us")... Dan Greene and Jesse... Toney and Jesse... Jim Grey and Jesse... Tom Huff and Jesse... Graham Cooke and Jesse... Graham Ord and Jesse... Steve Lee and Jesse... Billy and Jesse... Matt and Jesse... Mark and Ian and Jesse... Jordan and Jesse... Leith and Jesse... Ross and Jesse... Joe and Jesse... Tony Morton and Jesse... Hal and Jesse... Dr. John and Jesse... etc. Man, I wish you could see in my head and my heart as I write out those names... the memories and the emotions... so sweet.... so good.
My favorite spiritual "Us" is Jesus and Jesse and a close second would be Holy Spirit and Jesse... I also enjoy God and Jesse although its hard for me to grasp. Since I mentioned it, one of the names that Jesus was called is Emmanuel (I guess he is still called Emmanuel especially at Christmas time... oops sorry, during holiday season) ... Emmanuel means, God with "Us". God likes the "us" too. I feel like I kind of forgot that... or set it to the side... or misplaced it. I have been so focused on me and God or what God did for me or Jesus and me or me and Holy Spirit that I forgot to notice God likes "Us"... God is with "Us". ALL of "Us" and all of our "Us's"... I am really happy that God is not just about me... I can be pretty boring... Imagine if all God had to talk to the angels about was Jesse. Hey angels... says God... want to know what Jesse did today?..... (long pause) .... soft "yes Lord" from the angles.... "Well," says the Lord "he ate oatmeal and a banana and had a Starbucks... then he went to work... he swore twice at the wrench's ... had a turkey sandwich at Subway... asked for strength around 2 oclock, doubted Me around three, said He was sorry, then he went home.... and he still wants to quit smoking... That would be it... everyday.... thats so boring even the angels would want to die. God with "us" makes for a much more interesting heaven. God even says "When there is an "Us" He is there too." God can't resist a good "Us".
To all the "Us's" in my life... past and present... "Thank you for making my life a much better life... without you it would be very lonely... thanks for the love and the laughs... thanks for a ton of wonderful memories and thanks for letting me be a part of your "Us".
2012-"It's all about Us" is my new years resolution. My goal in 2012 is to ask one question that will direct my decisions... the question is... drum roll please.... Is it good for "Us"? For example: Is it good for us if I quit smoking? My answer... Yes, without me there is no us because, smoking will kill me and the "us's" I care about... or I would really like to take my kids to Hawaii... would that be good for us? My answer... Absolutely! (and I can pay for it with the money I save from not buying cigarettes) My goal in 2012 is to bless the socks off of the "Us" that is Madison, Dylan and Dad... We are my most important "Us". Here's a couple other questions I'm going to ask along the way. What will make "us" happy? What will make "us" whole? What will make "us" healthy? What will make "us" wealthy? What will make "us" wise? I'm looking forward to 2012... it's going to be a great year for "Us".
2012-It's all about "Us"... So, lift a glass and repeat after me... "To US"!!! ...
'Us', I like the sound of that word. It's strong yet fluid.... like just say it and then let it sit without force or too much thought. Be careful what you wish for though because you just might get it.