Friday, 27 January 2012


Seven days ago I came to Fairfield California to take the opportunity to be with a good friend of mine... I have many sanctified memories with my friend... his name is Tim.  Like so may other adventures in my life this one has revealed an unexpected arrival... a co-star... His name is "Ernie".

Ernie is 88 years old.  He does not say a lot.  He drives a Mini Coopper.  He wears an old felt hat and long sleeve shirts always.  He goes to Starbucks every morning and orders a Green Tea... He sits at the same table on the same chair... outside.  He goes to the library everyday and checks out a book.  He reads a book a day... if he likes the book he finishes it... If he does not like the book he throws it over by the door to be returned in the morning so, he won't forget.  After Starbucks and before the library he goes for a two mile walk... everyday.

Everyday for the past seven days Tim and I have gone to Starbucks with Ernie.  We sit at the same table in the same chairs.  We find out if the book was worth reading or not.  Words and laughter are in perfect balance... very few words and laughter for almost every word spoken.  When the drinks are nearly done Ernie will lean back in his chair and its time to go... He gets into his Mini and drives to the place were he walks... He sets the pace.  I follow.  We walk down Rockville Road... over a little bridge... down to the Country Club driveway... Ernie used to walk in the country club by the golf corse but, they put up a sign that reads members only... so, we stand there at the entry and look at that sign for a minute then we turn around and walk back down Rockville Road.  We then turn down Green Valley Road... by the twisted old trees along the highway... beside the stubby, pruned vines in the vineyards, palm trees and massive, sprawling homes... we stop at the pump station and lean on the fence... look at the vineyard and check the progress of the new house being built... then we turn around and head back.  At the end of Ernie's walk he gets into his Mini and drives to the library... I slide into the passenger seat of Tim's Jag and we drive back home.

Walking with Ernie is an adventure.  Some times he sways from side to side... Sometimes he stumbles... Sometimes he leans to far forward and has a hard time catching up to himself... Sometimes he has to lean on the fence or stop and rest... Sometimes he has to lean on his son to make it back to the car... (not because he is 88... oh no... its because "I put to much honey on my cereal this morning")  Sometimes he has to sit in the car for awhile before he drives to the library...

While I was on Ernie's walk this morning I wondered to myself... "What am I learning... What am I getting from my walks with Ernie"? .... Something inside of me said... What?  You want to take something away from this?  You honestly want to gain something from this?  I struggled to find the right answer in myself... I wanted to say yes... because I have been trained to suck the learning out of everything...  to take something for myself.  I wanted to say no... because to say yes made me feel selfish... because, I was being selfish... For a moment I kind of stumbled along in Ernie's dust.  It was then that I heard deep in my soul... "Sometimes its just about walking with somebody".

You see... I don't go on walks... I was on Ernie's walk.  I was joining him.  Why would I want to take anything away from that?  The walk is enough.  If Ernie decides to give me something while I am on his walk that would be very kind of him... but, my place is to just walk with him.  If Ernie decides to say something while I am on his walk my place is to listen... if he asks something... to answer.  To look for what I can take from his walk... that is not my place... Ernie gets to enjoy his walk... I get to enjoy being with Ernie on his walk... thats all I get... enjoyment.  He sets the pace... I walk along with him... beside him... behind him... just enjoying the walking.

Thank you for all the times I have been allowed to walk with you.  Forgive me for the times I have tried to gain something, tried to take something away from our walk together... tried to take anything... from our times together on your walk... for being selfish... for wanting what you have... Thank You!  All of you... my walk with you is enough.

Thanks Ernie... I really like being with you on your walk.


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